Ross Collins Career and Technical Center

About our website

This website was created by the Ross Collins chapter of TSA for the high school webmaster competition.

The information that follows describes how we created our site.

Design Brief


A Virtual Event


Due to the global pandemic, in-person events have not been held as in the past. Instead of canceling or postponing events, many organizers chose to hold them virtually. These virtual events had to be interactive and provide participants similar experiences as in-person events.

Challenge Statement

Create a fictitious virtual event and design an accompanying website. The website should identify the type of event, serve as an information guide, and include the virtual experiences related to the event. Sections of the site may include photos, product descriptions, renderings history, contact, and news updates. Present an overview of event details as if you were a consumer.

Coding and Design

Our team spent many hours researching, planning, storyboarding, and building our site. For our design, we ultimately decided to build pages with either a two or three column layout that utilized modals, cards, and also included an eye-catching carousel and top, horizontal navigation bar. After much research and experimentation, we determined that Bootstrap would accomodate this layout style. Furthermore, we wanted a clean, simple design that was compatible with multiple Internet browsers, as well as mobile devices.

We designed our site using Bootstrap, the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile-first web sites. Numerous days were spent researching website design and current technologies. For those students unfamilar with website design, we utilized the tutorials at for practice and inspiration. Furthermore, our site was coded using HTML5, the most recent standard published by the World Wide Web Consortium (WC3), and built using a combination of Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Fireworks, and Notepad++. All code written for this site is original and written during the current school year.


Unless otherwise noted, all of our text content is original. Our TSA team researched virtual events throughout the school year and divided it into sections that covered the suggested topics in the Webmaster design brief. All images are either original, taken by club members, included with Bootstrap, or royalty free and downloaded from WikiCommons, WikiPedia, or Pixabay. The videos included on our site were designed using Matterport.